Friday, February 19, 2010

Primary Music Idea - Follow the Prophet

“He spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began” (Luke 1:70)

I have been debating for weeks as to how I wanted to teach “Follow the Prophet” (page 110-111 Children’s Songbook) this year. In the past, I have used puppets, dressed up the children, etc… However, those just didn’t feel right to me this year. I have decided to go with the Gospel Art Kit Photos of the Prophets. I also made footprints with photos of our current Apostles and Prophets on them. Our Primary children are focusing on learning the names of the Prophets and Apostles so I thought it would be fun to place the Gospel Art Kit Photos around the room with the footprints in between. Since this song falls in the month of MARCH…I thought we could get the children up and MARCHING from Prophet to Prophet while we sing the song. Between verses we will talk about the names of the Prophets and the Apostles. A short description will be given. Footprints can also be used as a game once the song has been taught.

I have posted the pictures I’m using. I printed each and cut them out. Then, I pasted them to black cardstock paper and laminated them for durability. If you would like the PDF files please email me and I’ll send them to you.


arendje said...

please email me the pdf files for the 'follow the prophet' idea - thank you so much - missionary in germany

Kiwi Lane Designs said...

Thanks for posting I was wondering what I was going to do. perfect! if you could mail them to me that would be great.

Carter's Creations said...

Please email the pdf files. I was going to do a similar idea with this song, but had not come up with the graphics yet. Yours are perfect! Thank you for all your hard work!

Stacey Mortensen said...

Please email me the pdf files for the "Follow the Prophet" idea. Thanks for your inspiring posts! said...

Thanks for a great idea for a song that is challenging to teach, especially when the majority of our Primary are new members not familiar with many of the songs. please email me the pdf files. thank you,

Jennifer said...

Hi arendje...

I would be happy to email you the PDF files. Could you send me your email address? Where in Germany are you? It's so pretty there!

I'll look forward to hearing from you.


Jennifer said...

Hi Ladies...

I hope you all received the emails that I sent to you. If you didn't get my email, please let me know. Enjoy teaching Follow the Prophet!!!


Whiteley Family said...

Thanks for the awesome idea. Please email me the pdf files. Thanks.

rachael said...

I would love your PDF. Thanks so much for being willing to share and inspire us music leaders! Your visuals looks gorgeous. I can't wait to use them.

Doré said...

Would love to have the pdf file also. Thanks so much for the "have a conversation with your Heavenly Father" file, I taped them to packs of candy hearts to hand out last week and the kids loved them. Thank you so much!

Doré said...

sorry my email is

Sarah said...

If it's not too much trouble, I'd love to have the pdf as well. Thank you so much for a beautiful blog, and for your willingness to share. I pray you will be blessed for you service to us!!

Jennifer said...

Hi Rachael...

I would love to send the PDF file to you. Could you send me your email address?

Thanks a ton! I'll get it to you as soon as I receive word from you.


Jennifer said...

Hi Dore and Sarah...

I hope you received my email. If not...please let me know.


Thera Rew said...

THis is an awsome idea. Please send me the pfd's. I am so thankful for creative people like you.

LeMira said...

I would love the PDF file for this. My email is lemira[dot]wheelwright[at]gmail[dot]com.


Kiwi Lane Designs said...

I did not receive the files. Try sending them to

Thanks again! It is a great idea. =)

Stacey Mortensen said...

Hi! I requested the pdf files a few days ago and still have not received them. Could you please try sending them again? Thanks!

Burton Family said...

Thank you for all of your great ideas! You are incredibly talented! Can you please email me the pdf file to use in our primary? My email is:

Thank you sooooo much!

Laurie said...

Can you email me the vinyl?

Thank you! Your blog is wonderful, keep up the good work!!!

jjbrewski at msn dot com

Jennifer said...

Hi Ladies...

I hope all of you have received my return emails by now. If not...please let me know. I would feel really bad if you didn't get the files I sent to you.


House of Hamblin said...

Please email me the PDF files. They are amazing! I would appreciate it.

Jennifer said...

Hi House of Hamblin...

I've sent the files to you via email. Please let me know if you do not receive them.


Em said...

I would love to hav ethe pdf file. Your ideas are FANTASTIC!

M and M Madsen said...

I would love to use your PDF files. Thanks so much for sharing!

Stacie Hawley said...

I would love the pdf files!!

THANKS!!! Such a cute idea!

Mike and Deb said...

Hi there! I love those pictures for Follow The Prophet. Would it be possible to get the pdf files for those. I haven't been able to find some of those. I love your ideas, thank you so much!!! My email is:

Gigi said...

I would like one pdf of "Follow the Prophet" and a large order of your talents, time, and creativity please. WOW! Your newest fan at

Karena Bechtold said...

Could you please email me the pdf files for the "follow the prophet" pictures they are great. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I would also love and appreciate the pdf files of Follow the Prophet. thank you for all you do. I am a new song leader with no experience, your blog has helped me so much. Thanks for all your time!

the3girls said...

Jennifer - I love your blog! thanks for all your awesome ideas - I used the conversation heart idea and the kids loved it! Please send me the PDF file for follow the prophet...

Stephanie said...

this works perfectly with what I was thinking of doing. Please send me the pdf files. Thanks

Jenni said...

I would love a copy of the PDF. Thanks you made my life much easier.

rachael said...

hi, could you please send me the visuals for your awesome follow the prophet idea? i just love it. my email is

Jennifer said...

Hello Everyone!!!

By now you should have received an email from me with the files attached. Please let me know if you have not.

I appreciate all of you and can't wait to start teaching this song next Sunday.

Happy Weekend!

Annie said...

Love Love Love this can you please email me the pdf files THanks Thanks a ton

Jodee said...

Are you singing all of the verses for this song? I also saw that you had President Monson up. Will you sing a verse about him? If so, what are the words?

becky said...

Great idea!!! could you please email me the pdf files too???

thanks so much!

Chase and Teresa said...

Love the idea, and I would love the PDF as well. Thanks for sharing an awesome idea!

Unknown said...

The pictures are wonderful. I especially love the one of Jonah.
Thanks for e-mailing me the PDF files to

Unknown said...

The pictures are wonderful. I especially love the one of Jonah.
Thanks for e-mailing me the PDF files to

di said...

wow! you are amazing! will you please email me the pdf files for 'follow the prophet'

Unknown said...

I would love to have those PDF files if you have a minute to sent them....

The Cochran Family said...

What a great idea! Marching and singing around the room..I love it...something new instead of standing in place!!

The Cochran Family said...

Oh I forgot may I also have an email link to your pdf files pretty please! THanks what a great way to serve the nation! :)
Thanks from Austin,TX!!

Jeanelle said...

Please send me the pdf -- thank you!

Shian said...

I would love the pdf file for your pictures as well.


Sam and Darcy said...

Me too please!!! Thank you!

Erica Wiezbowski said...

these are amazing!! would you please send me the files as well?
thanks so much!

Heidi said...

Wow, I hope you are able to keep up with all these request. I love the picture of Jonah. I would really appreciate a copy of these Pdf. Thanks for putting it together

Kenneth and Denise Countryman said...

please email me too. I love the idea.

Anonymous said...

If you could please email me the pdf.I just got this calling and am super nervous!! Thanks for your great Idea!

Melissa said...

Hi Jennifer,

I love this idea. Could you please email me the pdf file for the footprints and the GAK pictures with the prophets' names on them?

Thank you! I love it!

The Andersons said...

what a great idea , please email me the files .

*aNdErSoNs* said...

This is great!!! Could you please email me the pdf file for the footprints and the GAK pictures with the prophets' names on them also?

V. Murray Shockley said...

Yes I too would like the PDF.



Jena Hendry said...

Hi. I just called as the primary music leader last week and I know absolutely nothing about music or how to teach it. This will be very challenging for me but I will do my best! I am so glad I came upon your blog. Could you please email me the pdf file for "Follow the Prophet"? My email address is
Thanks so much!

Carleton & Robyn said...

Wow! I love this idea! Could you please send me the pdf files for the Follow the Prophet idea. Thank you thank you!! Love it.


Chelsea said...

I just got called yesterday as the primary chorister and way overwhelmed but your blog is SOOO great- I would love an email of the pdf file if you don't mind!!

Thank you sooo much!!

Natalie said...

I would love the PDF files. Thank you so much for sharing your hard work!!

Shelby and Ted said...

I would love the pdf files. It looks great. Thank you so much!

Shelley said...

Would love a pdf too if its not too much trouble! Thanks

Jennifer said...

Hello Everyone!!!

First, let me start by thanking all of you for your comments. They have been so nice and I have enjoyed receiving emails from you. I hope that you have all heard back from me via email. If you have not...please try me again. There were a few emails that were returned to me. Not sure why. I know most of you are probably planning on using these this upcoming Sunday so please don't hestitate to ask me again if you have not heard from me yet. I will do my best to make sure I return your email/post/comments as soon as possible.

I have been asked by a few of you what I plan to do with the picture of President Monson. I will be using his photo with the 9th verse of the song. I want them to know that he loves them just as much as the prophets of old. As for now...I plan to see how we do in learning the song. After the children have learned all of the verses...I'll decide if we are going to sing all 9 verses or just a few. I do plan to mix things up a little with all of the children singing/duets/solos/etc...I don't want people to fall asleep during the Primary Program since this is such a long song. We might even wait to sing the chorus until the end. Not sure! I will have to keep you posted on our progress and what we end up doing.

For now...know that I love hearing from you and can't wait to hear how everything goes in your Primary.

Please keep in touch with me!

Love ya all!

Lynn said...

Just a comment here.
When I need to copy something Jennifer has here on her site, I only have to click on the picture and then it is enlarged and I copy and paste it into my word perfect file.
That seems easier than having to wait for it to email to you and saves Jennifer time.
Just wanted to share that. Maybe it's not possible for all to do that? Just wanted to share and see if that is a problem for others to do.
I find it very easy and saves time.

Lynn said...

OH, I also forgot to say, that another reason I prefer clicking and saving rather than a pdf file is that I can then enlarge, crop, or anything else with the pictures. But, when I get it in pdf file, I'm not usually able to change anything.
Is that the case with any of you others?

Jessica Bybee said...

Please email me the pdf files. What a great idea.

Rachel said...

Please email me the pdf files.

Unknown said...

please email me the pdf files for "follow the prophet". Thanks so much!- Catherine Bohman

Anne Marie said...

Great idea! Could you please email me the pdf files? My email is:
Thank you!

Nikole said...

Would you please email me the files?

Thanks for sharing!

Nikole Scheaffer

Sims Family said...

could you please email me a copy of your footprints. That is awesome. I recently read a talk that stated we need to know our apostles and I would like to incorporate that as well. Thank you

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE a pdf copy. You do an amazing job. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

Cami! said...

Could you please send me the PDFs? Thanks so much!

camivanderwerken @ gmail .com

Hopefully my 25 sunbeams will be able to learn at least one verse!


Unknown said...

Yes please!!! I would love the pdf files! Seems like a GREAT idea!!
Thank you!

Alissa said...

Love your idea! Thank you for being so willing to share! I'd like the files as well please:)

Kourtney said...

I am wondering if I can also receive the pdf file. I am hoping it si not to late to get before tomorrow. Thank you. What progrma did you use to scan the pictures and type the phrophets name on them? Thanks again

nanski said...

Your idea for Follow the Prophet is great. Would you please send me the PDF files at
Thanks so much for sharing your talents,

michelle said...

These are great! Could you please send me the pdf?
Thank you!!!

Rogers said...

I would also love to have the PDF. I love love love your blog. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents.

Batistas said...


do you mind sending me the pdf file? I think this idea is one of your best yet! Thank you for sharing it.

Diego Batista

Karla said...

I would love to use your idea for "Follow the Prophet" Please email the PDF file to Thanks so much!

Shelly said...

LOVE THIS! Would you email me the files? Thanks! Shelly

Jill said...

Please send me the this!

Unknown said...

Love this idea... could you please email me the pdf files for this "follow the prophet"... email addy is:


Suman5 said...

What a fun idea!! I've been stressed over teaching this song and I really appreciate your creative thinking. Please email me the pdf files, and thank you so much!!

Teresa said...

This is a great idea. Will you please send me the pdf file? Thank you!

Unknown said...

I would love to get the pdf files from you! What a great idea!

Jan said...

I really love those images. Thank you so much for sharing. I would the love the pdf files if you could send them.
I'm in a bind and need them tomorrow if possible. If not I can use them later...thanks again!

C. Stover said...

pdf's please!

Lindsey and Joe said...

I would love the pdf files for this activity! Thanks!

Carleton & Robyn said...

Jennifer, could you please resend the pdf files for the "Follow the Prophet" idea. I think it might have gone to junk mail so I'll keep a better eye out this time. Thanks, Robyn.

Anonymous said...

could you send the file to me if you find the time thanks jennie

Anonymous said...

my email is

Kelsey said...

Would love it!! Thank you for sharing your idea!

arendje said...

sorry - thought i attached the address - we are serving in the area office in frankfurt germany - my husband is the mental health advisor to missionaries in europe and russia who are struggling - we are also serving in the primary in one of the wards here - please send pdf to

Megan said...

Thanks for the great post! Could you please send me the pdf file to use with our primary?

Summer said...

Can you tell me where you got the picture of Jonah? I can't find the picture anywhere. thanks. sumbyjo at hotmail dot com.

Peterson Pack of Wild Dogs said...

I could really use the PDF file on this one. Thanks for your great ideas!!!

Emily said...

I loved the idea. I just got this calling and this will really help our primary. Will you please email me the pdf files. Thanks!

Our Household said...

Could I Please Get A PDF Copy . Thank you so much

Memory Hark said...

I would like to use this for Primary 2012 march theme. Please email me the pdf file. Thank you for the great idea.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your idea. I would like to use it. Can you email it to me? My email is Thank you for sharing.

E Winzeler said...

Would you please send me the PDF file for these? Thank you so much!

AmyCurtis said...

I would also really like your pdf files if you don't mind. My email is Thank you!

Susann said...

What a great idea! Please send that PDF file to me as well! Send to

Thank you so much!

Unknown said...

I would love the PDF as well. Thank you!

Mary Poppins said...

I would love to have the PDF files also. Thanks, Beth

Jennifer said...

Can I please have your pdf file? Thanks! Chorister in SLC

coriconnors said...

I would love to use your pdf files. Thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Love this idea. I have a small Primary and it will be fun to follow the steps around the room from one prophet to the next. Please email me your pdf file for "follow the prophet". Thank you, Tifanie in Georgia

Unknown said...

Would you mind sending me your pds file for "Follow the Prophet"? I'd love to use it this Sunday. Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Would you be able to send me the PDF? I would love to use this as a review this month after we learn the songs.

Edralyne said...

Hello, I love this idea..I hope you can share your pdf files on this one. My email is Thanks

Parry 4 said...

I love the pictures of the prophets. Can I request your PDF files on this one? My email is Thanks!

Parry 4 said...

I love the pictures of the prophets. Can I request your PDF files on this one? My email is Thanks!

Parry 4 said...

I love the pictures of the prophets. Can I request your PDF files on this one? My email is Thanks!

Stephanie said...

i would love a copy of your PDF files! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful insights and ideas! My email is:

Amy said...

Great idea. Can you please email the pdf file. Thanks Amy.